Freitag, 18. September 2015


Česká republika: MIRET – International Initiative for the Development of Ethnic Art

The Romani civic association MIRET is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating suitable conditions for cultural and artistic activities with a friendly approach. MIRET has been supporting creative and cultural activities of the Roma minority for several years.

The Roma association MIRET was founded by Ida Kealrová in 1998. One of the main goals of MIRET is to help the Roma minority to integrate into public life in the CZ and vice versa - to help the public understand and open themselves to the Roma. In the year 2011, the generation of young Roma who attended the creative workshops and projects organized by Ida Kelarova and MIRET became valid members of the association.

MIRET supports young Roma artists, children and youth, their general and language education, but mainly their artistic development and creativity. The goal of MIRET is to help maintain creativity of young people and create sustainable conditions for their future activities and preserve their traditions. MIRET helps them to prove that they have a talent for something, gives them the strength to fight in today's unforgiving world, to search for their own identity and offers them job opportunities in their field of choice and interest, while maintaining their cultural values and traditions.

România: Kinderhilfe Siebenbürgen

Unser Verein hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, Kindern in der Region Siebenbürgen in Rumänien, speziell in der Stadt Cisnadie (Heltau), in Rusciori (Reussdörfchen) und in Sura Mare (Groß Scheuern) zu helfen.

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